yes its been 5days and 120hours sitting at home and waiting for the pain to cure..
hmm...everything seems to be not okay.. not going to school..not learning anything..
im in bad sick ): somebody...pls help me :(
time flies so fast, 2mrw is saturday and ntg seems can be done..its still the same old days..SIGH
will never be done,will never be okay...
i want...
2 things that i want:
1. rm99 purse from topshop
2.rm109 forever21 dress :P
spend,spend, much money til go no where..haha
1. rm99 purse from topshop
2.rm109 forever21 dress :P
spend,spend, much money til go no where..haha
megan fox is a damn...haha
Must watch okayy! She's so fucking hot..even the boys and girls cant stand to see her.
Myself | |
What is your name? | Alessandra |
How old are you? | 16 |
When is your birthday? | 12july1993 |
Are you looking forward to it? | Yes i guess.hee.. |
Why? | Bcoz mybe i want to reach 17 or 18..haha |
Are you happy? | Sometimes. |
What makes you happiest? | Get things that i want |
Are you afraid of something? | Yes. |
Do you live alone, or with someone else? | with someone else. |
Who? | Family. |
Do you have any pets? | No. |
What is your favorite cartoon? | Spongebob squarepants :P |
Have you ever hit a deer? | Of coz no -__- |
Do you drink? | Once in a while |
Do you prefer beer or liquor? | Dunno. |
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? | Tiquila with lychee |
What kind of cell phone do you have? | Nokia N73 |
Do you like it? | Yes. |
What is the funniest word you ever heard? | Cant remember |
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"? | No,i dont mind :) |
To whom have you sent the most text messages? | em..friends. |
What did you do for new year's eve? | Hang out. |
were there lots of pictures? | A few. |
What is your favorite movie? | Transformers 2 and ice age 3 :D |
What is your favorite song? | Takes time to love by chris brown (: |
what concerts do you want to see in 2009? | Worldstage plsss... :( |
Do you have any tattoos? | No,would love to get one :P |
What is your favorite place to chill out? | em..friend's hs maybe or the curve.. |
What is your favorite song to play on guitar hero? | None. |
Do you work out? | Of coz no -__- |
Do you wear any jewelry? | yes,must have. wearing tiffany ring all the time |
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years? | no fights between me and him on 2007. |
What is your goal for the year? | aim to be the best (: |
What do you think about when you first wake up? | boyfriend,friends and family. |
Do you shower daily? | Hell yes! |
....alone? | emm..yaahh -__- |
Have you ever eaten sushi? | Yup. |
Did you like it? | Of coz,one of my fav dish ;) |
List three things you can't live without: | tiffany ring, ipod nano,cellphone |
What is your best physical feature? | my hair i guess :P |
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies? | nahh... |
have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate? | yes. ): sry you guys |
Is there anything that you regret? | yeah |
Do you want children? | mybe yes mybe no |
How many? | 2 should be enough -_____- |
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? | nope. |
What is your favorite number? | i dont think i have one. |
What is your favorite sports team? | cheerleading mybe..hey,its consider a sport |
What is your most over-used phrase? | cant rmmber..haha too many i guess |
What do you not say enough? | Loving you. |
You and your other half: | |
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her? | Hell im soooo way over him. |
Are you currently with someone? | yep |
Do you love him/her? | yes,more than my life. |
Who said "I love you" first? | mostly is me.haha.. |
Where? | cant recall. |
Would you date your ex again? | hell of coz NO!! |
What is your longest relationship? | with him now. |
What is your most significant relationship? | current one. |
What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do? | secret :P |
Do you like pet names? | no. |
Do you have any? | nope |
Is there anything that you won't tolerate in a relationship? | em..anythg that could makes me angry. |
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage? | Yes, i would want to. |
Where did you meet your significant other? | In a silly competition.haha..awkward memory.. |
Have you ever broken up? | Yes. |
Have you ever had your heart broken? | YES |
Have you ever broken someone's heart? | yes..hmm |
What is your significant other's birthday? | 21august1994 |
What is your anniversary? | 13092007 (: |
Does this person know you better than anyone else? | yes of coz (: |
Is this person younger than you? | yeah,a year :) and i dont mind bcoz age doesnt matter to me |
Where was your first date? | cant recall. :-/ |
Would you marry this person? | emm..i think so |
Are you happy with your sex life? | kinda. |
who is "Your" band? | brokencyde |
What is "Your" song? | part of the list by neyo (: |
Do you think you'll be together for a long time? | Yes (: bcoz ilovehimso much |
Do you lay in bed and cuddle a lot? | secret..heee |
Where was the last place you went together? | pavillion,midnight on my bday :) |
Do you do a lot of surveys? | Not so much |
did you like this one? | Yea a lot. |
hey syg2 sekalian..
im feeling very bored n sleepy now eventhough i just woke up.
I have not get enough sleep though.. ystrdy slept at 1am-10am bcoz fighting over the food at the hotel.haha..just kidding! the foods at the hotel is very2 happy while i eat x)
its been a dream come true to me.. staying at a hotel and eat delicious food there..
at 2.30pm today, went with my mum and bro to she said, she wants to buy something..and I! walking around and bought some junkfoods and a tin of milo..haha.lapar lah weh..
p/s: good luck to those who taking exam PMR this year.. :P haahah
im feeling very bored n sleepy now eventhough i just woke up.
I have not get enough sleep though.. ystrdy slept at 1am-10am bcoz fighting over the food at the hotel.haha..just kidding! the foods at the hotel is very2 happy while i eat x)
its been a dream come true to me.. staying at a hotel and eat delicious food there..
at 2.30pm today, went with my mum and bro to she said, she wants to buy something..and I! walking around and bought some junkfoods and a tin of milo..haha.lapar lah weh..
p/s: good luck to those who taking exam PMR this year.. :P haahah
if you realise wht wrong you did, dont start to blame ppl.
knpe perlu blame iman? iman tk buat slh ok. sbg kwn, dia mmg ptut bgtau kitorg. Klo i ckp psl u kt abby, im sure abby will tell u jgak dah 17 weh...still fkran tk mtg kot. nk blame iman tu sume knpe..." tk sngka iman akan bgtau dorg ape yg i ckp mse kt bustop tu". Tau tak u ckp cmni, sumpah immature doh..what the fuck are u thinking??! oh come onn...weh pk lah weh...pstu nk ptus kwn ngn iman pntat lah..pstu nk kte "anggap kte tk prnh kwn" haihh... i tell u here alright.. iman is not to blame. you felt sorry til u have no choice to say this right? cm tde ayt laen ke nk gune? tau tak agk MEMALUKAN.. jgn kte sbb aku,eyka n myra gdoh sbb iman bgtau kitorg tu sume. there's no such fucking reasons as that. N u bole kte lg u bgi diskaun kt myra n suro dia byr rm9 je sbb myra bgi byk komitmen..pale otak kau lah weh.. aku susa2 bgi duit sponsor, kau ckp plg byk bgi komitmen is lah weh..sumpah u plih ksih gle.. nk ckp org pon agk2 skit pyh nk talam due muke dpn kitorg..pstu kte "u dissapointed ngn i sngka i akn wt u cmtu..i step on u lah.."skrg tgk cermin dlu, tnye spe yg mule kan dlu...ask yourself..
its just you and your kwn baek u tu same cm apak kau je..
its just you and your kwn baek u tu same cm apak kau je..
<333 kls hrpn
Td ade oral bi..pstu ade sorg bdak india ni nme dia H********. Rmi jgak lah yg mnymph tgk dia sbb mke dia ske wt org skt hati. Haha..Ble dia oral td, sore dia slow je kt dpn tu, ckgu kt blkg tk dgr pon ape dia ckp and kte pon tk dgr. Haha. Klaka doh.. kitorg sme glak..yg plg tk bole tahan tgk dia is eyka,wani and kamalia..haha...Slalu time bi je, dia ilg sore lah..dia wt alsn tk sht lah..ckgu pon dah tau prngai dia cmne.. cm td dia skt mte lah..haha.mcm2 lah dia ni.
Arini dia oral kedua sbb oral prtme tu dia gagal. Td pon dia gagal. Dpt 1mrkah je..oral kli kedua pon gagal..adoiii..H*****, H*****...haha!!
Pstu S*** pnye turn kne oral, pstu mse dia ckp tu dia ttup mte plak.. Then ckgu ckp " Are you telling or berdoa?" haha..satu kelas glak..hahaha..klaka doh arini.. tk bole blah bdak2 kls harapan..hahaha.. ;)
<3333 4Harapan :D
Arini dia oral kedua sbb oral prtme tu dia gagal. Td pon dia gagal. Dpt 1mrkah je..oral kli kedua pon gagal..adoiii..H*****, H*****...haha!!
Pstu S*** pnye turn kne oral, pstu mse dia ckp tu dia ttup mte plak.. Then ckgu ckp " Are you telling or berdoa?" haha..satu kelas glak..hahaha..klaka doh arini.. tk bole blah bdak2 kls harapan..hahaha.. ;)
<3333 4Harapan :D
what else?
klo nk mntak duit, mntk lah baik2.. ni tak. serbu je kje. igt ni stu drama ke? sudah ckup lah dgn aksi2 hindustan u tu.. pk lah blek ape yg u ckp dri mulut u tu..
org talam due muke mmg prngai cm bbi..
Klo bole kitorg tknk tgk mke u tu.. igt kitorg ni byk duit lah,sng nk dpt duit from parents. mntk Rm9 pon dorg dah bsing apth lagi rm20! i rse lbh drpd rm300 kitorg spend tok cheer. Ya wtv with your sponsor lah. Jgn nk ckp i plg trok dlm f4 ok. I susah pyh tlg u carikkn sponsor and u nk ckp byk lg.. Fuck ah weh..mmg i fuck kt u lah..ap mslh u..?! jgn nk ckp "oh,sry..i tension sgt smpai i ckp cmtu" sry lah weh..alsan you bgi tu dah lapuk ok..Now you say this, dlu tu tknk ckp. Lebih2 ah ni..Melampau doh. U ckp org trok, look at yourself in the mirror 1st. Jgn nk mnjekn sgt eyka,myra n ales tu ape hal..yg u mnjekn abby,zura n kak tanok tu ape. Ya rite susa sng dorg pg dgn u amek bju n so on. N complain yg u ajk f4 nk pg ke tak , pstu kte kitorg yg tknk lah tu sume sbb pnt. HELLO!! U TU TAK PERNAH AJAK OK! ajak pon abby,zura n kak tanok. mne ajk kte. Jge skit ah mulut tu weh.. Mmg nk kne maki dri kitorg ni. Lagi u ckp cmtu, lagi kitorg tknk byr ok. Dahlah hantar msj sroh kitorg bwk duit, SNDRI tu yg tk dtg. Dahlah pnjam duit iman! Hoii! tak sdar dri lgi ke ha weh u pnjam duit dia! dah lah jnji nk byr arini kt skola, tpi tk dtg. Tak malu ke weh?? U tu dah lah cptain xylurf pstu nk ckp ni tu sume. Hati2 ah weh..Mmg kitorg tgh bnci u oh.. klo tknk gdo, jgn lah ckp ni sume. U kte f4 pijak pale u...pale otak lah. U yg mule kan dlu mmg lah kitorg buat cmtu kt u pandai.. wtv lah u tu f5 ke ape..we dont care ok? Slalu nk carik psl.. Dah lah tk malu..ble **** je ade dlu tu, prngai cm ape...gdik tu dah klua dah.. Klo suke je kt **** tu, mngaku je lah.. Klo intan ngis tu time mmg dah tk bole pth blek ok..U just made a big mistake by losing friends. Pg jelah dgn kwn2 u tu yg sorg tu mmg tk bertanggungjawab and tk ptut jd co-captain xylurf tu.. MMg lah jd cmni xylurf no.31 mne taknye..nk blgak hot,baek tk pyh lah weh..jgn nk slahkn kitorg sbb dlm hal byr ni, tde kne mngena satu pon. Klo nk tau, mmg 1 kesilapan besar kitorg kwn ngn u and dpt kwn cm U! Think 1st before saying.
happy day :)
today lps skola pg mkn pizza kt pizza hut..dgn iman,eyka,myra and kim. Bestnye dpt mkn..Iman blnje doh..tbaek dri ladang. Haha c(: Kitorg hppy je akbt dah lme tk mkn pizza..haha..Thnks iman! <3333 :D nnt blnje lg ye ;) hehe...
Just gave my mom a BIG present and she loves it very much. <333>
So tired went around bb by myself..Bru blek.. hmm..2mrw dah skola.. mlsnye nk pg :( mntah2 dah 4hari dah pg kan..haha..dah tlbh syok ddok kt ruma plak.Hee..
smlm tdo kt hotel, i tdo dri pkul 1am-12pm today..haha. 12 jam kot i tdo..haha..tpi best :D
wish could repeat the day <33
So tired went around bb by myself..Bru blek.. hmm..2mrw dah skola.. mlsnye nk pg :( mntah2 dah 4hari dah pg kan..haha..dah tlbh syok ddok kt ruma plak.Hee..
smlm tdo kt hotel, i tdo dri pkul 1am-12pm today..haha. 12 jam kot i tdo..haha..tpi best :D
wish could repeat the day <33
happy birthday mom :)

Happy birthday mom :) Iloveyou always. You're the best in my life. Wrong right happy sad days you always there by my side. Thank you for spending time and spending money for me..heee (: I still love you eventhough i dont like you the way you scold me.. I never hate you even a single because you are my mother who had brought me into this world. I think im lucky to have a mother like you ;)
plan for today n 2mrw
I will be away for today and 2mrw (: will be staying at Traders hotel yg dkt klcc tu :D
cant wait bby... xD
cant wait bby... xD
4days and pass by so fast..
Its been 4days i didnt go to school and time passes by so fast :( miss 4harapan and friends :'(
on 12july09

On my bday, iman,myra,eyka,meyra,alien had planned a birthday party for me!
They even bought a cake from SECRET RECIPE for me :D That's the cake that i want. Thank you syg! We supposed to celebrate at dagang avenue but then there problem pop up. So we celebrated at eyka's hs. While eating, we play and run over her hs and some of the cake were on our face! It was very fun!! Then we took some funny pictures. Here are some of it (: Next bday is IMANDS. Get ready Iman! Its your turn will be..haha.. c(: ILOVEYOUALLSOMUCH! Thank you for the bday suprise! Will never forget it bby ;)
the night before my birthday :)
The day before my sweet sxteen bday(11th july), i went out with zaem n azrizal at 6sumthg in the evening and got bck at 12sumthg in the midnight. It was a very special day to me. We went to pavillion and watch Transformers AGAIN. Haha.. we sat at the second front row bcoz we have no choice. We wanted to watch other movie but it was also full. Without any idea,we went to buy 3tickets. Its already been a month the movie was release but still it fully booked! It was a very fun bday night for me. Thank you syg n azrizal! haha.. :)
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