add math combine with akaun...

klo bole nk drop add math..why? coz
1. hard
2. cant understand
3. blurr...
4. too many formula!!

i think i dah bole jd crazy if a day with add math..
today, out of a sudden cik fauriza gave an exam paper..n there were 15 difficult questions..
from the 1st til recess we were doing it.. bole pecah pale oh buat dlm 2 jam ni..grr

mase ke 3 and 4, teacher were out and then whole class started to copy each other paper..haha..

then last period is akaun..ckgu tu da la garang -_______-
satu klas tkot dgn dia including me..! aku da lah 1 mnggu tk dtg..suddenly teacher gave us questions to do revision..
as you know, this wednesday is test 3 and akaun is on that day even ADD MATH!! totally dead meat!!

satu kls dont even know how to man..except mei yee..
she knows how to work it out la girl... -________- genius though..
