yesterday, went to pavillion..with myra,mush,donut,pyka and ama..
akhirnye dpt juge lpak dgn donut..da lme tak jmpe dia kot..
then,we went to baskin robbins..mkn ice cream fondue..hehe..
ksian eyka..eyka tade :( ketinggalan :P
meyraaaaa...i ate 2nd time..hehe :p
we were full..tummy almost explode kott..haha
then,we went to hadramawt..shisha..
and mush da pndai da shisha..haha
spe aja?aless jugakk.. :P tpe..dah bse dah..haha
but dia sedut skit je..tah ppe je mush ni..aha
then,before going back we headed to entrance pavillion to take picture -___-"
impian myra sudah tercapai dah..hahhaha..malu ohh amek gmba dpn pavi..
background tu da la pokok krismas hahhaha..tpe la,demi kwn.. :) haha
after that,pyka,mush and ama went back around 6sumthg..
i,donut and myra jln2 inside pavillion..and its 7pm and the sky was dark alrdy
the view was nice so myra decided to take picture..again..HAHA..dah2 lah tu myra xD
then,i asked pert to come and take picture for us (:
after that,donut and myra went back with della and ad (argh! wtv)..
and i went to desa pandan..lepak kt nurin with my buah hati,meyra,farid and acap :)) hehe..
almost 11 i went back home...the enddd....