3.10.09 <333

on last thursday,meyra,ijaz and i went to pavillion..we watched new moon the movie.. ijaz watched like fourth time n i watched 3times alrdy -____-" haha..except meyra..yela..busy spm kan..so tman dia jelah tgk.. :DD

i just cant resist it! c(:
my happiest moment which i get to eat Baskin Robbins ice cream fondue.. :DD
finally!! its about a few months i've planned with meyra to eat this..n its finally hereeeeee...
hahha :P - boneapetite!

went to hadramawt,shisha lah ape lg..hahha
waiting for the night to come, the skies are getting darker and darker then meyra,ijaz,him and me went to pavi took memory pictures :) <333> then,we went to dagang lepak dgn ijaz,then pert and his friend came along lepak2 with us.. - the end- malas nk tulis pnjg2.. lol -__-"