esk dah skola bhai..homework tak siap lg -___________-
cptnye hari dah berlalu.. T.T
P/s: tak sbr nak bhan meyra :P
To her, as slut as she can be
haha..thanks for your words bby..iloveit so much..if im a sucker, u're twice sucker than me :) you think i dont want to give u a big fuck too? i never say i want to be perfect, not like someone who writes there says "trying to be perfect person if i can" one can be perfect lah babi..i never think that im hot..but think again..whose the one who wants to be HOT right now? my words will never be wrong..see yourself in the mirror 1st..i really hope to have the old you..but then it went no where and dissapear..i said that because its true shit..and who is better now? me or wanna be slut like you? you know what..your writing in english is very're saying that im someone like doesnt have any education? look now who's saying..herself or someone else? i think you dont see your mistakes in that yet right? actually, i havent do something to that pictures.. so upload more ya in myspace ok? :)
i would LOVE to see it more..keep on coming ya!
For Your Information, your awie likes another girl ok? she doesnt know her boyfie doing something bad behind her back..hahaha..what a perfect girlfriend siall..actually, its a very long time i know.. but then i was too kind to not tell you bcoz i dont want to "destroy your perfectt relationship"
by saying fucker,bitch all that its too old school..
pls dress up more properly and dont become a slut pls..
take care of your dignity dont want ppl to say bout your dignity right?
hahaha..i like it to see the way you roll bby..hahaha one can be perfect lah babi..i never think that im hot..but think again..whose the one who wants to be HOT right now? my words will never be wrong..see yourself in the mirror 1st..i really hope to have the old you..but then it went no where and dissapear..i said that because its true shit..and who is better now? me or wanna be slut like you? you know what..your writing in english is very're saying that im someone like doesnt have any education? look now who's saying..herself or someone else? i think you dont see your mistakes in that yet right? actually, i havent do something to that pictures.. so upload more ya in myspace ok? :)
i would LOVE to see it more..keep on coming ya!
For Your Information, your awie likes another girl ok? she doesnt know her boyfie doing something bad behind her back..hahaha..what a perfect girlfriend siall..actually, its a very long time i know.. but then i was too kind to not tell you bcoz i dont want to "destroy your perfectt relationship"
by saying fucker,bitch all that its too old school..
pls dress up more properly and dont become a slut pls..
take care of your dignity dont want ppl to say bout your dignity right?
hahaha..i like it to see the way you roll bby..hahaha
bout getting away....
i'll be away a week,you wont see me online on myspace and updating this blog..
and again i'll be away on raya time..1week in a vacation..
will always miss you, my friends :)
p/s: bday atika alem is on the 1st of raya and you'll get your present from "there".
haha.. ;)
and again i'll be away on raya time..1week in a vacation..
will always miss you, my friends :)
p/s: bday atika alem is on the 1st of raya and you'll get your present from "there".
haha.. ;)
bosan lahhh... urmm...
today im kinda bored, so i talk alot in class..until in english period..Pn.Loh says, "Alessandra, can you stop talking with your friend,alem?" Then, i was like smiling here and there.. haha.. xD
after school, went to iman's house. Thought of going mamak with iman and amee but then my sis suddenly called, and said she wants to take mum go to midvalley but then tak jadi cause afraid of heavy traffic. Then last, go to Lot10 and Low Yat with school uniform -_______- but its okay sekejap then went to the clinic at ampang..suddenly heavy rain comes and while waiting for my sis in the car, i took some pictures. (:

after school, went to iman's house. Thought of going mamak with iman and amee but then my sis suddenly called, and said she wants to take mum go to midvalley but then tak jadi cause afraid of heavy traffic. Then last, go to Lot10 and Low Yat with school uniform -_______- but its okay sekejap then went to the clinic at ampang..suddenly heavy rain comes and while waiting for my sis in the car, i took some pictures. (:

small matter went big -_______- fuck lahh..
yesterday after school, i helped mush,myra,kim,ama n others colour the kain batik..
my baju kurung got stain of colours! haha..cant come out unless use klorox -____- but then my hs doesnt have that.. so i guess i'll have to buy new baju kurung for school
if not..mmg tde lah bju kurung to wear to school..
eventhough im in class account, i colour like damn til it has stain on my baju kurung -_________- mush,myra n kim kena only like a bit of colours and mine were kinda a lot -_____- tlalu focus lahh..aiyoo
its been a tough day for me yesterday and today..
yesterday fought with my mum n brother..they missunderstood and small matter went big!
ya..u shouldnt have said that to me.. my meaning is not that.. think 1st what am i going to talk bout, not the other way round.. -_________-
think negative so fast..just shut the hell up and im done and not in this world anymore.
pretend im not here..
rather die than is meaningless..dont you think so?
my baju kurung got stain of colours! haha..cant come out unless use klorox -____- but then my hs doesnt have that.. so i guess i'll have to buy new baju kurung for school
if not..mmg tde lah bju kurung to wear to school..
eventhough im in class account, i colour like damn til it has stain on my baju kurung -_________- mush,myra n kim kena only like a bit of colours and mine were kinda a lot -_____- tlalu focus lahh..aiyoo
its been a tough day for me yesterday and today..
yesterday fought with my mum n brother..they missunderstood and small matter went big!
ya..u shouldnt have said that to me.. my meaning is not that.. think 1st what am i going to talk bout, not the other way round.. -_________-
think negative so fast..just shut the hell up and im done and not in this world anymore.
pretend im not here..
rather die than is meaningless..dont you think so?

yes..its hard to say or tell "iloveyou" to the person you love eventhough its just 3words..
iloveyou..u are my special one..i think i cant let u go..its hard for me..yes its hard..
iloveyou..u are my special one..i think i cant let u go..its hard for me..yes its hard..
ABC About You Questions...
A - AVAILABLE: nope.
B - BIRTHDAY: 12th July
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: hot milo
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: eyka and amee
F - FAVORITE SONG: welcome to savannah
H - HOMETOWN: Pahang
I - IN LOVE WITH: Muhd.Zamri Safrizal
K - KILLED SOMEONE: not yet. haha
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: none -_________-
O - ONE WISH: living with him with my whole life
R - REASON TO SMILE: one of my classmate talked craps.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: welcome to savannah
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6.03am
V - VEGETABLE(S): no idea -_______-
W - WORST HABIT: on the laptop everyday -________-
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 3times
Y - YOYOS ARE: dumb. haha
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: cancer.
ABC About You Questions...
A - AVAILABLE: nope.
B - BIRTHDAY: 12th July
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: hot milo
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: eyka and amee
F - FAVORITE SONG: welcome to savannah
H - HOMETOWN: Pahang
I - IN LOVE WITH: Muhd.Zamri Safrizal
K - KILLED SOMEONE: not yet. haha
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: none -_________-
O - ONE WISH: living with him with my whole life
R - REASON TO SMILE: one of my classmate talked craps.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: welcome to savannah
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 6.03am
V - VEGETABLE(S): no idea -_______-
W - WORST HABIT: on the laptop everyday -________-
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 3times
Y - YOYOS ARE: dumb. haha
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: cancer.
enough lah babi...
stop it right there! enough! i had enough...we all had enough..of your all same words...
we are tired of you..if can, i want to be away from you..
hate you hate you!! you're making your fucking idiot habits are making people hating you more..asek2 ckp bnde yg sme..sdar tak kau tu wt org bengang??
kitorg pon ade prsaan jgak, jge2 skit lah weh..kau pk prsaan kau je..
tlg la weh..sdar skit tu..kau tu **** lah skit...sdar lah weh.. tk than ak..
ak rse cm nk trjun dri bngunan ohh ble kau mule ckp bnde tu..
srbot pale aku dohh..grrr!
pg mti lah kau.. -_________- buat org susa je..
we are tired of you..if can, i want to be away from you..
hate you hate you!! you're making your fucking idiot habits are making people hating you more..asek2 ckp bnde yg sme..sdar tak kau tu wt org bengang??
kitorg pon ade prsaan jgak, jge2 skit lah weh..kau pk prsaan kau je..
tlg la weh..sdar skit tu..kau tu **** lah skit...sdar lah weh.. tk than ak..
ak rse cm nk trjun dri bngunan ohh ble kau mule ckp bnde tu..
srbot pale aku dohh..grrr!
pg mti lah kau.. -_________- buat org susa je..
you..yes you.. <333333
i breathe you into my heart..
i know you're always be my side..
i took your breath along with me..
right or wrong, good or bad, i'll be with you..
loving you is a dream to me..
you're too special,yes i resist...
you took my breath,soul away with you along..
those kisses and hugs,meant to me so much...
I hope i love you all my life..
Yes, you'll be my special ones in my life, i promise :)
Very special from,
your love.. (:
i breathe you into my heart..
i know you're always be my side..
i took your breath along with me..
right or wrong, good or bad, i'll be with you..
loving you is a dream to me..
you're too special,yes i resist...
you took my breath,soul away with you along..
those kisses and hugs,meant to me so much...
I hope i love you all my life..
Yes, you'll be my special ones in my life, i promise :)
Very special from,
your love.. (:
yei? or yei!
exam chemistry and math will FAIL!!
Yeiii.....!!! -_________-
pdhal hmpir soalan chemistry ttau jwpnnye ape -______-
Yeiii.....!!! -_________-
pdhal hmpir soalan chemistry ttau jwpnnye ape -______-
end of the day today :)
yesterday ptutnye study history at my house with mush and myra..
but then...we've studied not much..haha xP we;ve done silly things at my this down here

haha..yeah..its a fun day..taking silly pictures..there's more actually..heee (:
great timess bby :)
took history,biology,sivik and pjk..
okay lets see..biology..herm..came out many name the enzymes! -________-
hate that questions but it came out..ape lagi..mrepk la the answers
then..history..i know 10questions i did are wrong( mrepk jgak) xP
pjk and need to say.. zZzZzZzZ...
but then...we've studied not much..haha xP we;ve done silly things at my this down here

great timess bby :)
took history,biology,sivik and pjk..
okay lets see..biology..herm..came out many name the enzymes! -________-
hate that questions but it came out..ape lagi..mrepk la the answers
then..history..i know 10questions i did are wrong( mrepk jgak) xP
pjk and need to say.. zZzZzZzZ...
overexcited went wrong!
today, exam bm,bi, ADD MATH and AKAUN...
bi...easy as pie...
add math...herm...2questions i didnt answer...and some i mrepk2 dlm tu.
akaun plak...tcher gave answers already and it came out! tk rugi bce and buat pelarasan penyata pendapatan...
answers dpt ! seimbang! but then......kunci kira2 tu..buat salah... -____________-
i buat bntuk T! pdhal kne buat format penyata -_________- bbi bbi bbi bbi
dah aim dah dpt A1... -________-
fuck kau soalan -______-
bi...easy as pie...
add math...herm...2questions i didnt answer...and some i mrepk2 dlm tu.
akaun plak...tcher gave answers already and it came out! tk rugi bce and buat pelarasan penyata pendapatan...
answers dpt ! seimbang! but then......kunci kira2 tu..buat salah... -____________-
i buat bntuk T! pdhal kne buat format penyata -_________- bbi bbi bbi bbi
dah aim dah dpt A1... -________-
fuck kau soalan -______-
add math combine with akaun...
klo bole nk drop add math..why? coz
1. hard
2. cant understand
3. blurr...
4. too many formula!!
i think i dah bole jd crazy if a day with add math..
today, out of a sudden cik fauriza gave an exam paper..n there were 15 difficult questions..
from the 1st til recess we were doing it.. bole pecah pale oh buat dlm 2 jam ni..grr
mase ke 3 and 4, teacher were out and then whole class started to copy each other paper..haha..
then last period is akaun..ckgu tu da la garang -_______-
satu klas tkot dgn dia including me..! aku da lah 1 mnggu tk dtg..suddenly teacher gave us questions to do revision..
as you know, this wednesday is test 3 and akaun is on that day even ADD MATH!! totally dead meat!!
satu kls dont even know how to man..except mei yee..
she knows how to work it out la girl... -________- genius though..
1. hard
2. cant understand
3. blurr...
4. too many formula!!
i think i dah bole jd crazy if a day with add math..
today, out of a sudden cik fauriza gave an exam paper..n there were 15 difficult questions..
from the 1st til recess we were doing it.. bole pecah pale oh buat dlm 2 jam ni..grr
mase ke 3 and 4, teacher were out and then whole class started to copy each other paper..haha..
then last period is akaun..ckgu tu da la garang -_______-
satu klas tkot dgn dia including me..! aku da lah 1 mnggu tk dtg..suddenly teacher gave us questions to do revision..
as you know, this wednesday is test 3 and akaun is on that day even ADD MATH!! totally dead meat!!
satu kls dont even know how to man..except mei yee..
she knows how to work it out la girl... -________- genius though..
today.. :) :S
today i klua dgn eyka..went to bb..pastu terserempak dgn 4ketot kot yg plg mnympah tgk mke dorg kt skola.. dorg jln cm pantat..prsan lah dorg hott lah kan..jln catwalk -______-
pdhal kt pavi je... then they were like showing off their baju.. there's one thing embrassing coz one of them pnjam baju member..why? coz tkde bju lah...ape lg..yela..dah mskin pstu nk blgak kye..baek tk pyh.. pdhal tnggal kt flat..malu lah weh klo cmtu.. O.o

pdhal kt pavi je... then they were like showing off their baju.. there's one thing embrassing coz one of them pnjam baju member..why? coz tkde bju lah...ape lg..yela..dah mskin pstu nk blgak kye..baek tk pyh.. pdhal tnggal kt flat..malu lah weh klo cmtu.. O.o

iloveyou eyka! best friend forever..
i had fun with you today ;)
you're the best..
i had fun with you today ;)
you're the best..
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